Purchase Oxycodone Online Best Pharmacy.Oxycontin (oxycodone ER) is a full opioid agonist. Oxycontin is indicated for the management of severe pain where
around–the–clock opioid treatment is needed and alternative pain relief options are not adequate. Oxycontin is
contraindicated in significant respiratory depression, acute or severe bronchial asthma in an unmonitored setting, known
or suspected gastrointestinal obstruction, including paralytic ileus, or hypersensitivity to oxycodone. Oxycontin has a
black box warning for addiction, abuse and misuse. Continuing assessment and monitoring of patients on Oxycontin is
recommended.Purchase Oxycodone Online Best Pharmacy
This policy involves the use of oxycodone ER (Oxycontin) 80 mg. Prior authorization is recommended for pharmacy benefit
coverage of oxycodone ER (Oxycontin) 80 mg. Conditions Not Recommended for Approval are listed following the
recommended authorization criteria. Some members may also be subject to the long acting opioid step therapy.
Requests for uses not listed in this policy will be reviewed for evidence of efficacy and for medical necessity on a case–by–
case basis.
Because of the specialized skills required for evaluation and diagnosis of patients treated with oxycodone ER (Oxycontin)
80 mg as well as the monitoring required for adverse events and long–term efficacy, initial approval requires oxycodone ER
(Oxycontin) 80 mg be prescribed by or in consultation with a physician who specializes in the condition being treated. All
approvals for initial therapy are provided for the initial approval duration noted below; if reauthorization is allowed, a
response to therapy is required for continuation of therapy unless otherwise noted below. Documentation may be required.
Coverage of oxycodone ER 80 mg is recommended in those who meet the following criteria:
1. Hospice, cancer, or terminal illness. Approve.
2. Initial: Severe Chronic Pain. Approve in patients who meet the following criteria (a through m):
A. Member is at least 11 years of age or older; AND
B. The member’s pain has been evaluated by one or more physicians who specialize in treatment of the area
where the perceived pain located or a pain specialist; AND
C. The member has pain that requires–around–the clock treatmen
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