Methamphetamine(Crystal Meth) for sale online USA.Synthetic drugs (or new psychoactive substances (NPS), aim to mimic the effects of existing illicit drugs (such as cannabis, cocaine, MDMA and LSD).
Synthetic drugs have different chemical structures from the illicit substances they are trying to mimic. Manufacturers of synthetic drugs constantly change their chemical structures to try and stay ahead of the law.
Some synthetic drugs can be marketed as ‘legal’, safe and acceptable alternatives to illicit drugs. However, this does not mean that they are legal or safe.
There is no recommended dosage on a packet of synthetic drugs. The chemicals can also change from one packet to the next. Two packets from the same batch can affect you in different ways.
- Synthetic drugs aim to mimic the effects of existing illicit drugs, such as cannabis, cocaine and ecstasy.
- Synthetic drugs are also known as ‘new psychoactive substances’ (NSPs).
- It is not known how safe synthetic drugs really are, as there is limited research on the short- and long-term effects of these substances.
- There are no quality control checks on synthetic drugs, so it is not always known what substances they contain.
On this page
What are synthetic drugs?
Synthetic drugs (or new psychoactive substances (NPS), aim to mimic the effects of existing illicit drugs (such as cannabis, cocaine, MDMA and LSD).
Synthetic drugs have different chemical structures from the illicit substances they are trying to mimic. Manufacturers of synthetic drugs constantly change their chemical structures to try and stay ahead of the law.
Some synthetic drugs can be marketed as ‘legal’, safe and acceptable alternatives to illicit drugs. However, this does not mean that they are legal or safe.
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There is no recommended dosage on a packet of synthetic drugs. The chemicals can also change from one packet to the next. Two packets from the same batch can affect you in different ways.
Synthetic drugs are not quality controlled or regulated, so there are concerns over what is actually in them.
Given how often synthetic drugs emerge, it is hard to know how harmful these drugs are in any dose. There is limited research on the short- and long-term effects of these substances. However synthetic cannabis is reported to have more serious side-effects than cannabis.
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To obtain research chemicals and controlled substances from the NIDA DSP, all research investigators will need to prepare a Request Package. A Request Package should include the following items:
1. A cover letter including:
- Name, phone number and e-mail address of Research Investigator (and consignee, if applicable),
- Provide a current and complete address that would allow shipment by a suitable carrier such as Federal Express (FedEx) (i.e. street address, building name or number, room number, city and state) – This address should coincide with the address on the DEA order form.
- For radio-labeled drugs or chemical substances, indicate the address to which such materials will be shipped. In case the shipping address is different from the researcher’s address, a current copy of the radioactive materials license must be submitted.
- If applicable, NIH grant number of project and name and contact information of project’s NIDA/NIH Program Officer. If a non-grantee, no information on Program Officer and grant number is required.
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- Name(s) and quantity of compounds or other substances being requested,
- The total radioactivity (preferred units of measurement, mg per vial, etc.)
- If multiple studies/tasks are planned, combine projected needs into a single order rather than placing several separate requests in a short time interval. The request should generally be limited to four items or drugs/compounds per order to avoid delay.
- Avoid drug abbreviations, and include specifications such as (+), (‑), (dl), base, or salt, as appropriate. Please visit the NIDA Drug Supply Catalog (PDF, 11.6MB) (this document is not fully accessible, for help viewing this content, please contact Mary MacDonald, for drug supply information.
2. The Research Investigator’s curriculum vitae (CV).
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3. A detailed research protocol clearly indicating:
- The specific aims and goals of proposed study (preferably the study abstract)
- The number of experiments and experimental subjects
- The dosages or concentration of drugs
- Calculate required amount of drugs or chemical substances for your project and submit your request well in advance of your planned experiments or tasks, or 6‑8 weeks prior to depletion of stock on hand for ongoing studies/tasks.
- Justification of quantities of drug(s) requested. If the request is related to a previously submitted protocol, provide a reference to this protocol and a brief statement of progress along with references to resulting publications.
4. Statement of commitment that NIDA will be acknowledged in research publications using the NIDA Drug Supply Program.
5. A completed DEA Order Form-222 for Schedule I-II controlled substances.
- DEA Form-222 is not necessary for drugs in Schedules III‑V, but a valid registration for the appropriate schedule is required.
- Under the third column of DEA Form-222 (Size of Package), list quantities as bulk weight. Radio-labeled compounds must be listed by weight and NOT by units of activity.
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6. A copy of current DEA registration, Form DEA-223 for controlled substances.
- It is the Research Investigator’s responsibility to keep his/her registration current and to verify the drug code for requested drug.
- Investigators who request a Schedule I drug and/or Etorphine HCl or Diprenorphine must provide DEA documentation under which the requested drug is covered under their current DEA registration.
- Avoid drug abbreviations, and include specifications such as (+), (‑), (dl), base, or salt, as appropriate.
7. For radioactive compounds, a copy of Nuclear Regulatory Commission license. For more information, please visit the Nuclear Regulatory Commission licensing website.
8. For clinical research projects involving human subjects
- Investigational New Drug (IND) number and a copy of approved IND letter from the FDA. For more information, please visit the FDA IND Application website.
- A copy of your Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval letter ,
- A copy of your Data Safety and Monitoring Plan,
- Proof of registration with (NCT #)
- A copy of the study consent form(s)
9. For basic (non-human) research projects
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- A copy of the document demonstrating that the research is approved by the Animal Care & Use Committee and that adequate care in conducting animal research will be exercised (if applicable). For more information, please visit the Animal Care & Use Committee Animal Study Proposal website.
10. For ongoing research projects (This includes research previously supported by the NIH prior to request)
- Reference information1 pertaining the previous protocol / FDA approval to the previous protocol
- A brief statement of progress (500 words or less)
- A list of any relevant publications.
11. Billing Information for Shipping Costs:
- US investigators should provide their FedEx account number to bill shipping charges,
- International requests for controlled compounds should provide their United Parcel Service (UPS) Supply Chain Solutions account number to bill shipping charges. For non-controlled compounds the investigator should provide their FedEx account number.
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12. For Foreign Investigators, please submit the Import Permit (preferably in English) issued by an appropriate agency of your government if the request is for an internationally controlled drug substance. The name of the supplier on the import permit must be listed as follows:
Research Triangle Institute
Kenneth S. Rehder Ph.D.
Hermann Building , East Institute Drive
P.O. Box 12194
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA
- The import permit should be accompanied by a signed statement from the investigator to the effect that the drug will be used solely for the purpose of research and will not be re-exported. The import permit must contain a clear address and individual name to which the requested drug is to be delivered (not a post office box number). Shipment should be indicated on the import permit as Air Freight to this individual. Specify the appropriate port for customs clearance purposes and provide the name and address of the Customs Clearance Agent, if one is used.
- Please obtain the longest possible expiration date on import permits.
- Foreign investigators requesting drugs or other substances that are not very stable should be certain to make advance arrangements that would allow these drugs or other substances to be released to them expeditiously. This is particularly relevant when dealing with radioactive materials with high specific activity (>1.0 Ci/mmol). These compounds are shipped as solutions in ice and will not stay cold for more than 48 hours; they must be retrieved and put in cold storage immediately to prevent decomposition.
- Foreign investigators should also be aware that compounds are shipped with a listed value for insurance purposes. Since this may cause problems with customs officials, investigators should determine in advance what steps should be taken to avoid these complications. Often an official statement that the compounds are for research only and have no commercial value is sufficient.
Helpful Notes:
Failure to comply with aforesaid guidelines may delay the processing of your request.
NOTE 1: ETORPHINE AND DIPRENORPHINE – Request for either of these two compounds should be made on separate order forms when ordering additional compounds at the same time. Etorphine hydrochloride and diprenorphine (free base or hydrochloride) are Schedule II drugs, however etorphine free base is a Schedule I drug. Therefore, etorphine free base should be order using DEA Form-222 as is appropriate for all Schedule I drugs.
NOTE 2: CARFENTANIL, ETORPHINE AND DIPRENORPHINE – The DEA registration of a research investigator requesting these compounds must show the proper registration for such compounds.
What Are Research Chemicals?
Research chemicals are substances which are use recreationally by people seeking to alter their moods and get high.1 Research chemicals (RC’s) are dangerous and do not have a legitimate or legal purpose for the general public. Despite the name, research chemicals is not chemicals use in scientific research.
In the context of substance abuse,People poorly understands research chemicals and that can be very dangerous. While MDMA is not a research chemical, some of these substances associates with MDMA-like effects when you ingeste. Find out more about research chemicals in this scientific article.
In medical and scientific research, as outline by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), there are chemicals that can be use for research purposes,
to develop new pharmaceutical remedies or investigate the effects of specific molecules.2
However, research chemicals used to get high are a different type of substance altogether.3 These substances developes in a lab and frequently have mechanisms of action or effects that mimic those of other abused substances such as marijuana,
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opioids, or cocaine. These drugs then sells to people with little understanding of their chemical constituents or actual effects for the mere purpose of recreational use.
Although the chemicals may have once derived from legitimate chemical research, the term research chemicals is misleading and hides how dangerous these psychoactive substances can be.1
In their legitimate scientific form, research chemicals are just that—new chemicals in the research stage of development, so they come with hypotheses about their potential uses but little in terms of controlled studies and probable health risks. Chemical formulas obtaine by copying publicly publish research; the structure replicates and then mass-produces and they sell, typically through online vendors.4 Some vendors are selling research chemicals on social media apps, such as Instagram and Snapchat.5
Research Chemical Laws
Research chemicals are commonly classified as synthetic drugs for legal and regulatory purposes. Synthetics are a broad grouping of drugs which include MDMA (ecstasy), ketamine, synthetic cathinones (bath salts), and synthetic cannabinoids (Spice and K2). Many agencies refer to these drugs as new psychoactive substances (NPS), as they are all manufactures in laboratory settings, and many of them have legal analogues that developes specifically to bypass drug enforcement laws.1 Often, the packaging for these products has the warning label: not for human consumption.
In the US, state and federal drug laws currently outlaw specific molecules or chemical structures, but research chemical manufacturers attempt to bypass these laws by changing the structure of the drug as new laws comes in power. This makes research chemicals even more unpredictable and dangerous; just because one batch led to a stimulant-like high, the next batch will not necessarily do the same thing. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime states in 2018, that most NPS reports around the world are either a combination of previously reports of NPS or slightly alter versions of previously reported chemicals.6 A total of 478 different NPS identifies as being on the drug market as of 2017.
Types of Research Chemicals
A list of research chemicals will change nearly every day as new versions of chemicals are develope. A list of dangerous research chemicals (RC’s) that have surface and seize due to reports of substance abuse and overdose as you can see below.
- 25I-NBOMe and 25C-NBOMe: These designer hallucinogens, you must take them orally and sometimes confuse with LSD. Severe toxicity and deaths reports in connection with these substances. They often refer to as N-bomb or Smiles.7
- 2C Series: A popular group of synthetic hallucinogens, these drugs contain 2,5-dimethyoxyphenethylamine. One of the more famous is 2C-E, also known as Europa. The drugs allegedly produce the same effects as LSD. Dangerous and unpredictable side effects include difficulty breathing and persistent, psychotic hallucinations. Drugs in the 2C series links to lethal overdoses.8
- Acetyl fentanyl: With fentanyl, a potent prescription narcotic around 100 times more potent than heroin, already devastating the country, the introduction of acetyl fentanyl as a research chemical puts people struggling with opioid addiction at significant risk of death. This opioid product is link to fatalities, but as a research chemical, human reactions to the substance is not in exhaustively documentaries.9
- Arylcyclohexylamine: This group of chemicals markets as being similar to ketamine; they allegedly elicit dissociative, anesthetic, and hallucinogenic effects. While pharmaceutical ketamine is an arylcyclohexylamine, the group contains other, less understood research chemicals.10
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- Bromo-DragonFLY: There is case report evidence to suggest that this synthetic psychedelic amphetamine derivative has led to severe toxic reactions that include agitation and seizures.115cl-adba Precursor buy online
- Etizolam: This benzodiazepine cousin is 10 times more potent than Valium, a long-acting prescription anti-anxiety medication. While etizolam is legal in India, Italy, and Japan to treat insomnia, it is not prescribe in the United States. People who struggle with benzodiazepine addiction purchases this drug through online retailers when it markets as a research chemical; unfortunately, the status of research chemical means that this version of etizolam is likely to be tamper with, making it more dangerous. Use of the drug can lead to slur speech, confusion, headaches, and drowsiness, among other side effects.12
- Methoxamine (MXE): This drug is a dissociative and pain suppressant, similar to ketamine; in fact, it often sells as a ketamine derivative. MXE boasts effects like those of PCP, another dangerous synthetic psychoactive drug. The high from MXE lasts 5-7 hours. There are overdose deaths link to this compound.13
- Methylhexanamine (DMAA): This designer stimulant markets as a synthetic cathinone replacement, especially after horrific reports around the dangers of bath salts. DMAA is sometimes in the dietary supplement market for weight loss because supplements poorly regulates in the US.14
- Other phenethylamines: Technically, phenethylamines is in some bodies; most mammals produce these neurotransmitters, which associates with infatuation and romance. They are stimulants, with effects like those of MDMA or amphetamines. When mixed in research chemicals, these drugs can lead to intense highs like those associated with crystal meth or ecstasy.15
- Piperazines: More commonly found in industrial chemicals, these drugs are both stimulants and hallucinogens, believed to have amphetamine-like or MDMA-like psychoactive effects. Chemicals commonly found in this group include BZP, TFMPP, mCPP, and MeOPP. You see them as tablets, which could lead to confusion with other drugs in tablet form.16
- Tryptamines: These occur naturally in some plant species, although the intoxicating version is produced in a lab. These are hallucinogens that distort reality more than other forms of hallucinogenic substances.You see them in tablet, powder, or blotter paper form, and there are dozens of chemicals widely available from this group.17
Mental and Physical Effects of Research Chemicals
Information on the effects of research chemicals relies on two sources: emergency department reports when a person overdoses and anecdotal evidence from those who survive the high. Of the two, overdose reports are able to provide more objective information and underscore how dangerous and hard to control these substances can be. 18
Overview of Controlled Substances and Precursor Chemicals
- About the Controlled Substances Act
- Definitions
- Summary of DEA Schedules I-V
- Lists of Regulated Substances
- USC’s requirements
Controlled Substances Act of 1970
The Control Substances Act (CSA) – Title II of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 – is the federal U.S. drug policy under which the manufacture, importation, possession, use and distribution of certain narcotics, stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, anabolic steroids, and other chemicals regulates.
It places all substances which were, in some manner, regulated under existing federal law into one of five schedules (i.e., I – V). This placement is based upon a substance’s medical use, potential for abuse, and safety or dependence liability. The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) implements the CSA and may prosecute violators of these laws at both the domestic and international level. Individuals who order, handle, store, and distribute control substances must register with the DEA to perform these functions. They must maintain accurate inventories, records and security of the controlled substances. Components of the CSA is in Title 21 United States Code (USC) Control Substances Act.
- California Uniform Controlled Substances Act
- Manuals
- Researcher – An Informational Outline of the Controlled Substances Act
- Chemical Handler – A Guide to Chemical Control Regulations
- Practitioner – An Informational Outline of the Controlled Substances Act
- Controlled Substances
- Drug or other substance, or immediate precursor, regulated under the Federal Controlled Substances Act and the California Uniform Controlled Substances Act to prevent illicit abuse. Drugs categorizes according to a substance’s medical use, potential for abuse, and safety or dependence liability by designated schedules, I-V.
- USC only allows the use of schedule II-V drugs, unless special permission is approve by the DEA and USC Office of Compliance. Contact the CS Program Manager regarding inquiries about use of schedule I drugs.5cl-adba Precursor buy online
- Precursor Chemicals
- Chemicals and solvents regulated by the DEA, State of California Department of Justice and the Office of the Attorney General (CA-DOJ) in order to prevent the illicit manufacture of controlled substances.
- These lists of chemicals and solvents categorizes on two DEA regulated lists, List I and List II, and the California DOJ precursor chemicals list. List I typically represents precursor reagents while List II represents solvents that can be use in the synthesis and purification of control substances.
Summary of DEA Schedules I-V
- Schedule I
- Schedule I drugs have high potential for abuse. These drugs have no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States. There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug under medical supervision.5cl-adba Precursor buy online
- Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, marijuana) is still consider a Schedule 1 drug by the DEA, even though some U.S. states, including California, have legalize marijuana for personal, recreational use, or for medical use.
- Schedule I drugs have high potential for abuse. These drugs have no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States. There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug under medical supervision.5cl-adba Precursor buy online
- Schedule II
- Schedule II drugs have high potential for abuse. These drugs have a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States or a currently accepted medical use with severe restrictions. Abuse of these drugs may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence.
- Schedule III
- Schedule III drugs have potential for abuse less than Schedules I and II drugs. These drugs have a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States. Abuse of the drug may lead to moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence.
- Schedule IV
- Schedule IV drugs have low potential for abuse relative to Schedule III drugs. These drugs have a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States. Abuse of these drugs may lead to limited physical dependence or psychological dependence relative to Schedule III drugs.
- Schedule V
- Schedule V drugs have low potential for abuse relative to schedule IV drugs. These drugs have a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States. Abuse of these drugs may lead to limited physical dependence or psychological dependence relative to Schedule IV drugs.
Lists of Regulated Substances
Follow the links below to review regulated controlled substances and precursor chemicals.
- Controlled Substances Lists – Schedule I-V
- Regulated Precursor Chemicals List I and II
- California List of Precursor Chemicals
USC’s Requirements
Principal Investigators (PI) at USC whose research involves the use of control substances require to apply for a DEA registration. This enables the PI to purchase, store, and use controlled substances (CS) at USC. EH&S will conduct an onsite visit with the DEA Registrant to ensure all storage and security measures is prior to the DEA’s schedule appointment. Once approve, a copy of your DEA license must be forward to the Environmental Health and Safety Office at Refer to the USC EH&S Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Registration & Renewal Fact Sheet for more detailed information.
In addition to acquiring a DEA registration, researchers and practitioners needs to enroll in USC’s Controlled Substances Use Authorization (CSUA) Program. Refer to the USC EH&S Controlled Substances Use Authorization (CSUA) Program Guide Sheet for an overview of the information.5cl-adba Precursor buy online
Summary of the Toxic Substances Control Act
2016 Chemical Law Updates the TSCA
On June 22, 2016, President Obama signed the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, which updates the Toxic Substances Control Act. Learn more about the 2016 law, find summary information and read frequently asked questions.
15 U.S.C. §2601 et seq. (1976)
The Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 provides EPA with authority to require reporting, record-keeping and testing requirements, and restrictions relating to chemical substances and/or mixtures. Certain substances generally excludes from TSCA, including, among others, food, drugs, cosmetics and pesticides.5cl-adba Precursor buy online
- The official text of TSCA as amended by the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act of the 21st Century is available in the United States Code, from the U.S. Government Printing Office.5cl-adba Precursor buy online
TSCA addresses the production, importation, use, and disposal of specific chemicals including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), asbestos, radon and lead-based paint.
Various sections of TSCA provide authority to:
- Require, under Section 5, pre-manufacture notification for “new chemical substances” before manufacture
- Require, under Section 4, testing of chemicals by manufacturers, importers, and processors where risks or exposures of concern is
- Issue Significant New Use Rules (SNURs), under Section 5, when it identifies a “significant new use” that could result in exposures to, or releases of, a substance of concern.
- Maintain the TSCA Inventory, under Section 8, which contains more than 83,000 chemicals. As new chemicals are commercially manufacture or imports, they are place on the list.5cl-adba Precursor buy online
- Require those importing or exporting chemicals, under Sections 12(b) and 13, to comply with certification reporting and/or other requirements.
- Require, under Section 8, reporting and record-keeping by persons who manufacture, import, process, and/or distribute chemical substances in commerce.
- Require, under Section 8(e), that any person who manufactures (including imports), processes, or distributes in commerce a chemical substance or mixture and who obtains information which reasonably supports the conclusion that such substance or mixture presents a substantial risk of injury to health or the environment to immediately inform EPA, except where EPA is adequately inform of such information. EPA screens all TSCA b§8(e) submissions as well as voluntary “For Your Information” (FYI) submissions. The latter is not require by law, but submitts by industry and public interest groups for a variety of reasons.5cl-adba Precursor buy online
Compliance and Enforcement
- Toxic Substances Control Act Compliance Monitoring: inspections and investigations
- Waste, Chemical and Cleanup Enforcement
History of this Act
More Information
The Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) manages programs under the Toxic Substances Control Act and the Pollution Prevention Act. Under these laws, EPA evaluates new and existing chemicals and their risks, and finds ways to prevent or reduce pollution before it gets into the environment.5cl-adba Precursor buy online