Black Tar Heroin for sale online Australia

Black Tar Heroin for sale online Australia

Black Tar Heroin for sale online Australia.Synthetic drugs (or new psychoactive substances (NPS), aim to mimic the effects of existing illicit drugs (such as cannabiscocaineMDMA and LSD).

Synthetic drugs have different chemical structures from the illicit substances they are trying to mimic. Manufacturers of synthetic drugs constantly change their chemical structures to try and stay ahead of the law.

Some synthetic drugs can be marketed as ‘legal’, safe and acceptable alternatives to illicit drugs. However, this does not mean that they are legal or safe.

There is no recommended dosage on a packet of synthetic drugs. The chemicals can also change from one packet to the next. Two packets from the same batch can affect you in different ways.


Read the full fact sheet

  • Synthetic drugs aim to mimic the effects of existing illicit drugs, such as cannabis, cocaine and ecstasy.
  • Synthetic drugs are also known as ‘new psychoactive substances’ (NSPs).
  • It is not known how safe synthetic drugs really are, as there is limited research on the short- and long-term effects of these substances.
  • There are no quality control checks on synthetic drugs, so it is not always known what substances they contain.

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